'#barcode_food_junction #OpuTheSpider এতো গুলো চা খেলো ? |Barcode Food Junction | Opu TheSpider | Video 29 | 43 DAYS LEFT LIKE !! COMMENT !! SHARE !! SUBSCRIBE !! Hello, We are happy to announce that we are(Team Opu TheSpider) going to start a video campaign for the next 100 days starting on September 1st, 2020. The videos will include food reviews & vlogs and other fun topics. 3 Videos will be released every week with a total of 50 videos during this campaign. The videos will be posted on the Facebook page \"Opu TheSpider\" & YouTube channel \"Opu TheSpider. During the duration of this campaign, you will have the opportunity to collaborate and promote your business if you desire. Feel free to contact us for inquiries Email: [email protected] You can follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oputhespiderprofile/ Page: https://web.facebook.com/opuTheSpider/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/oputhespider Snap chat: oputhespider Thanks for your amazing support :)'
Tags: bangladesh , tea , food review , tea recipe , food recipes , food vlogs , bangladeshi food review , bangladeshi food , food bloggers on youtube , barcode food junction , barcode food , barcode food junction ctg , barcode food junction chittagong , chittagong food review , khudalagse , oputhespider , opu the spider new video , rafsan , opu , opu the spider song , food blogger bangladesh , opu the spider lifestyle , opu the spider food vlog , chittagong food blogger , chittagong food recipes
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